Hot off the heels of the Reader Segmentation Study, it is time for the latest installment in the series of Adaptistration publications: The 2009 Readers Segmentation Study Report. The 28 page color report contains expanded material from the original series and if you have internet access while reading your copy you can take advantage of its special interactive features…
The 28 page eBook contains new and revised material so download and read on your desktop, notebook, or iPhone today.
In particular, each of the reports’ charts and graphs is linked to the direct online source file. All you have to do is click on any chart and you’ll automatically open a browser window and head straight to the full size source file. It’s a handy feature for anyone wanting a closer look at some of the larger graphics (like this one) and all you need is a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader or any program capable of accessing a .pdf file.