Midlife Crisis Or Chrysalis?

Deadlines are ruling my week but that’s a good thing for you since it means I can make today’s post a straightforward pointer. Conductor Jacob Harrison published an intriguing post on 7/5/2010 that expands on the burgeoning “Relevance” discussion (frankly, I’m not sure what to call it). Regardless of whether you see the discussion as an over-hyped midlife crisis or a fundamental midlife chrysalis, Harrison’s piece is worth your time. Once …

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Good For Philadelphia

The 7/1/2010 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer published an article by Classical Music Critic Peter Dobrin that reports the Philadelphia Orchestra and Philly Pops have decided not to pursue plans for the former to absorb the latter. Regardless the reasons, it’s good to see that both groups were willing to honestly examine the situation and back away from a decision regardless of appearances…

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Editorial Cartoon: Brusilow’s Big Top

It seems that the Richardson Symphony Orchestra (RSO) situation is catching the attention of a diverse cross section of readers including none other than Dixon, the ever-sharp mind behind the hit orchestra biz comic strip, Who’s Minding The Score? Apparently, the entire to-do has him so inspired that he went out and bought a box of crayons in order to draw an editorial cartoon in blazing techknowcolor*…

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Artistic Quality And Dynamic Consequences

It is no secret that the field as a whole is working day by day to manage debt and maintain stability. At the same time, maintaining artistic quality in light of necessary budget cuts is a tight rope no one enjoys walking but it gets a little easier if everyone works together. Failing that, decisions with the best intentions and under the greatest pressures can produce dynamic consequences that end up making the cure worse than the disease…

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In Richardson, The Battle Begins

It seems that the board of the Richardson Symphony Orchestra (RSO) has decided to discontinue bargaining with their musicians in advance of the current collective bargaining agreement expiration date of August 31, 2010. They also informed patrons in a letter dated 7/1/2010 that in addition to suspending negotiations, they “will not be renegotiating a collective bargaining agreement with the American Federation of Musician.” UPDATE: 4:00pm CT,  7/2/2010 – AFM places Richardson Symphony Orchestra on their International Unfair List…

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