Last month, I tossed out the idea of a new website designed to function like an arts manager version of and posted a form to solicit feedback from arts managers out there interested in becoming contributors. The. Response. Was. Amazing.
In short, ArtsHacker is so happening and we should have something up and running this fall!
We’ve got a veritable boat load of folks lined up as contributors you’ll recognize alongside some extraordinarily talented newcomers, all of which with mad skill sets to share. Having said that, it’s not too late to declare your interest and I’m especially keen to hear from pros within the ops, stage crew, production, and box office departments.
To that end, go ahead and complete the following form if you think you’ve got the insight, know-how, and enthusiasm to be a contributing ninja, complete the following form so we can see if there’s a solid pool of plank-owner contributors with the necessary wealth of knowledge to not only generate great content but aggregate it from the numerous outlets of online knowledge goodness.
And to be crystal clear here, no one cares about your age; sure, experience is great but getting shit done the right way is a cross-generational task. In a nutshell, everyone learns from everyone so to that end, it doesn’t matter if you’re a freelancer, or gainfully employed 9 to 5’er, there are no silly outdated prerequisites like that here.
And in case you were wondering if this is any sort of pay gig all I can say is “Ha!” but in all seriousness, I can see this getting some real legs and support from Foundations or <gasp>commercial investors</gasp>; but until then, you’ll have to suffice with becoming a rock star among the cultural blogging community.
The only thing more fulfilling than successfully filling a demand is doing it alongside a group of enormously talented colleagues and friends. To that…