Keeping a cool head is a skill that requires continuous practice, especially in the age of social media and the rise of trolling. Fortunately, ArtsHacker Phil Paschke has some resources to help quiet the voices in your head urging you to the dark side in a post from 2/25/15 titled Embracing The Online Anger that focuses on dealing with negative feedback by way of Twitter.
And since we’re on the topic of dealing with anger, Joe Patti published a terrific article about this from 9/18/2013 titled Drama Is A Choice and one of the more enduring articles from Adaptistration’s early days is Seeing Past The Anger, which examines the value in filtering out the emotion in order to prevent missing the important bits.
But I’m curious to learn more about your experiences, have you ever had an angry encounter that you managed to steer toward a positive outcome?
No, unfortunately, I’ve never found a way to use anger positively. (BTW, “give in” is a verb phrase, so “in” in your headline should be separate from “to”)
No, unfortunately, I’ve never found a way to use anger positively. (BTW, “give in” is a verb phrase, so “in” in your headline should be separate from “to”)
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