Time To Roll Out Some Big Updates

You’ll never get anywhere by standing still so to that end, I’m happy to announce some big improvements at both the main blog and Adaptistration Jobs. Let’s take a look at what’s new: an integrated payment gateway and Facebook powered comments. Integrated Payment Gateway We recently upgraded our payment gateway to include an integrated system that allows users to make credit card payments without needing to leave the site. At Adaptistration Jobs, …

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“It is no harm to be an ass, if one is content to bray and not kick.*”


There’s an interesting article written by Chris Sheng in the 10/16/2016 edition of The Tartan, Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper, that includes an interview with Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (PSO) President and CEO, Melia Tourangeau. To date, much of the intransigence is related to both sides accusing the other of relying on inaccurate and/or incomplete financial data and projections and this article provides some excellent points of reference on those items. Perhaps unsurprisingly, …

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Fort Worth Symphony Just Lost The First Half Of Their Season

Fort Worth Symphony Just Lost Half Of Their Season

The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra (FWSO) just crossed another major threshold in their ongoing work stoppage in the form of cancelling all remaining event activity through the end of 2016. For orchestras this size, the winter holiday season is one of the most lucrative earned income opportunities over the course of the season so the decision to cancel the entire lot two months in advance is a bad omen for wrapping …

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A Broader Perspective On How And Why Arts Managers Change Jobs

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Last September, we examined the results from a survey designed to learn more about what influenced orchestra managers to change jobs in a pair of articles (part 1 and part 2). The results were fascinating enough that I ran a similar survey at ArtsHacker.com to gain a broader perspective beyond the orchestra field. I published an article there today with those results and there were decidedly differences when compared to the …

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Was Your Website Caught Up In Last Week’s Big DDoS Attack?

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Granted, with all of the election coverage, you may have missed last week’s big news item about the “Doomsday of DDoS attacks” and if your organization’s site wasn’t impacted, then you probably made it through blissfully unaware of the havoc unfolding elsewhere. Nonetheless, this wasn’t a one-off event so here’s what you need to know about DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, why this is different than usual, and how to …

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