Yes, the third presidential debate was held last night. No, we aren’t discussing it here. Instead, let’s take a moment to examine American’s for the Arts’ (A4A) ArtsVote2016 resource center.
Once you get past the user interface, the A4A’s resource is an entirely useful resource when it comes to determining which candidates you opt to support based on their record and position related to the arts and arts education.
As a bonus, if you prefer having zero interactive and dynamic web based content with an intuitive user navigation and instead prefer lots and lots of downloadable pdf files stuffed with squint-inducing font sizes, you are going to love this site.
But I digress.
One of the cornerstones of the site is the Congressional Report Card, which doesn’t really function as a report card…because there are no letter grades…but there are loads of instructions on how to read and interpret the data. Power through it, it’s worth your while because there is a good bit of useful data waiting for you to find it.
You can also find position papers on arts policies and personal histories with the arts from Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.
Even though the content isn’t user friendly, it is still the best option available so I encourage everyone to take the time to review the material and share with friends and colleagues.
Over the 4th of July weekend, one of my clients, Freeman Stage at Bayside, experienced a security concern that required rescheduling a concert. Fortunately,…