Recently, my company updated my wife’s professional artist website: A large part of that project was updating all her press kit information.
Previously, all the typical press kit content, such as bios and pics, was available via direct download from her site. But times have changed and there are better ways to go about making that content available.
Ultimately, the goal is to make things as easy as possible for arts marketers to acquire that content so they can maximize the time spent compiling effective promotional material. Saving arts marketers time and effort is the real gift that keeps on giving.
Since we were doing the work anyway, I decided to document the process and use it as an example for how to go about reproducing similar results for your own efforts.
To that end, I published an article at that provides step by step instructions on how to modernize artist press kits. Everything from the content artists should include to the most efficient delivery methods.
If you ever wondered what dimensions to use for dedicated Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram promotional images, you’ll find that and much, much more.