#TBT Artist Promo Photos…NSFW Edition

No, this isn’t a post about NSFW artist photos (although that could certainly be a topic). Rather, an arts marketing colleague recently posted a note on FB lamenting the amount of effort it was taking to secure suitable promotional photos from artists. I’ll be the first to admit this is a trigger issue for me but I’m confident when I say most, if not all, arts marketers would agree with the …

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This Is How You Draw A Line In The Sand

Back in March, I published some early thoughts on what at the time was the growing number of arts and culture organizations cutting ties with artists who are supporters of Russian President, Vladimir Putin. At that time, arts organizations weren’t terribly clear about why they found actions by artists like conductor Valery Gergiev unacceptable. I hinted at posting some additional thoughts about my concerns related to virtue signaling and artists being unfairly …

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A Classy Response To An Ugly Stereotype

The 4/22/2022 edition of cbc.ca published an article by Aidan Cox that examines the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra’s (NBYO) elegant response to the latest outbreak of corporate foot-in-mouth disease. It started with an ad for the 2022 Infiniti QX60 that touts the vehicle’s sound proofing, but does so by pulling out an ugly stereotype. As it turns out, this didn’t sit well with NBYO’s orchestra president, Ken MacLeod “Even though [the …

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Stop Using Carousels And Sliders For Content Delivery

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For the past decade, I’ve been helping clients through the reasons why they should avoid using website carousels and sliders for content delivery. The most common place this counterproductive practice appears is on a homepage where organizations attempt to stuff concerts, fundraising messages, and more into a carousel thinking they’ll all have comparatively similar conversion rates. Spoiler Alert: they don’t. I published an article at ArtsHacker that walks you through some …

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Sick Day (Again)

I thought I was past the worst of it and on the way to getting back up to full speed but it turns out this bug had other ideas 🤨 As such, I’m taking another day or two to scale back and will (hopefully) be back in the saddle by mid-week.