Waiting For Godot, Milwaukee Style

Adaptistration People 194

In the wake of what seems like an ironic number of Charlie Brown football gag style attempts over the past 20 years, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra (MSO) appears to be on a strong path toward finally kicking that ball in the form of obtaining their own concert hall. According to a report by Ben Jordan in the 1/10/2017 edition of tmj4.com (Milwaukee NBC affiliate), the MSO is more than halfway to …

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How Would You Describe Your Venue Relationship?

Adaptistration People 086

When it comes to a primary venue, most orchestras operate in one of three environments, each with their own unique sets of pros and cons: Owner/Operator: Pros include complete control over scheduling and programming, in-house administrative offices, and maximizing earned income from rental fees, box-office services, concessions, etc. Cons include the large costs related with initial building costs along with legacy operational and maintenance costs for operating a brick and mortar …

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The Hall Formerly Known As Avery Fisher

Adaptistration People 095

The Lincoln Center finally released the names of the acoustician and theater designer firms, Akustiks and Fisher Dachs Associates, tasked with the massive Avery Fisher Hall renovation. The 11/13/2014 edition of the New York Times published an excellent article by Robin Pogrebin which reports that an actual design has yet to be determined and that naming rights for the renovated venue are up for grabs. The venue formerly known as Avery …

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Getting Taken To The Cleaners

Sometimes it is the little revelations that can be most useful, even something as routine as picking up dry cleaning. After a long string of disappointing dry cleaners, Dry Cleaner A seemed to be doing fine until it came time to pay for an order that consisted of a single shirt and I handed the owner my debit card.

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