Support For #ShowTheSalary Continues To Snowball

I doubt the editors at The Chronicle Of Philanthropy thought the decision to publish an op-ed by Vincent Robinson trying to convince readers that including salary figures was a bad thing, especially for diversity, would garner a tidal wave of pushback but that’s exactly what happened. On July 12, 2021 they published a letter to the editor from Mike Geiger, President and CEO of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, where he …

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Showing Salaries Is Finally Catching On So Why Pump The Brakes?

It’s taken a few decades but nonprofit performing arts orgs are finally becoming comfortable with including salary ranges and hourly rates in job postings. The road from there to here was long and uphill; for instance, when Arts Admin Jobs began in 2011, I included a salary range field as a mandatory item and employers spurned it as they would a rabid dog. Once I relented and removed the requirement, listings …

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The Difference Between Per-Service and Salary-Based Musicians

Following yesterday’s article that referenced per-service and salary-based musician employment, a number of readers reached out asking about the difference. To that end, I’m certainly guilty of assuming too much from time to time and this is decidedly one of those issues that can be very confusing if you aren’t already familiar with the distinction. What’s A Service? Within the context of professional orchestras, a service typically consists of one rehearsal …

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A Matter Of Shared Sacrifice As Layoffs And Furloughs Increase

When the housing bubble fueled economic downturn hit, we heard a great deal about the concept of shared sacrifice. This is where one group of stakeholders won’t be asked to make larger concessions than others. While the concept was implemented with varying degrees of sincerity, groups that engaged in a meaningful approach to shared sacrifice tended to reap the benefits of improved relations and accelerated recovery. As COVID-19 layoffs and furloughs …

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When In Doubt, Do The Math

Adaptistration People 138

This week is shaping up to be a daisy-chain of post topics. Yesterday’s post was on the value (and fun!) of due diligence and as it turns out, there’s an excellent article from Zach Finklelstein at that makes good use of due diligence and takes a long, hard look at the numbers behind music apprenticeships (h/t Joe Patti). Long story short, Finkelstein does the math behind the revenue stream and …

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