Louisville Makes Payroll While Syracuse Sweats

News out of Louisville indicates that although the Louisville Orchestra (LO) musicians were initially only paid a portion of the compensation owed following the bankruptcy ruling last month, the orchestra is now looking to receive advances against future seasons’ endowment allocations from the organizations that govern the orchestra endowment…

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Louisville Musicians Begin Branching Out

According to a report from Elizabeth Kramer in the 1/18/2011 edition of the Louisville Courier-Journal, the musicians of the Louisville Orchestra (LO) have restructured the existing nonprofit players’ association into “Keep Louisville Symphonic,” (KLS) an organization the musicians describe as “[preserving] the artistic excellence and essential tradition of great music provided by the Louisville Orchestra musicians.”…

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BOOM Went The Gavel

It happened so close to the New Year holiday you may have missed it but the decision by Judge David T. Stosberg denying the Louisville Orchestra’s (LO) filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as means for temporary relief from its collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is, to put it mildly, a big deal. At the same time, it hardly serves as the final punctuation in the narrative that is the LO’s financial condition…

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Enough With the Music Metaphors

Although the situation at the Louisville Orchestra is in stasis until the initial bankruptcy hearing on 1/6/2011, that apparently hasn’t stopped some of the local television outlets from having a field day with clichéd music metaphors when reporting on the situation. Case in point, the local Fox news outlet broadcast a segment on 12/27/2010 that was riddled with gems like “struck a sour note”…

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Louisville Bankruptcy Has All Eyes On January 6th

On Friday, 12/3/2010 the Louisville Orchestra (LO) announced that it filed for Chapter 11 (reorganization) bankruptcy stating that it seeks to break its collective bargaining agreement with the musicians. According to a press statement, the LO acknowledges that the “musicians may not be able to agree to voluntarily restructure the Orchestra” but the players won’t be the only voice in the bankruptcy proceedings…

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