According to a report from Elizabeth Kramer in the 1/18/2011 edition of the Louisville Courier-Journal, the musicians of the Louisville Orchestra (LO) have restructured the existing nonprofit players’ association into “Keep Louisville Symphonic,” (KLS) an organization the musicians describe as “[preserving] the artistic excellence and essential tradition of great music provided by the Louisville Orchestra musicians.”…
Kramer’s article does an excellent job at covering details of the first KLS concert as well as some of the recent history leading up the musicians’ efforts. We should find out more in the developments of this situation soon as the LO is scheduled to met today with creditors and the court might have something to say about the asset/liability figures the orchestra recently provided. Those figures, $412,000 in assets and $1.4 million in liabilities, along with related details were reported in the 1/11/2011 edition of the Louisville Business First in an article by Kevin Elgelbach.
In the meantime, it is worth everyone’s time to keep an eye on these developments, along with those elsewhere, to see how each group of stakeholders is working together or on their own to identify an end that justifies the means.