Continuing from Part 1, this installment will examine recent events at the Louisville Orchestra surrounding their troubled Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations.
Louisville Orchestra
Examining The Events In Louisville
Just when you thought the drama involved with orchestra negotiations might be on sabbatical, a series of ugly events surrounding the Louisville Orchestra negotiations surfaced a month ago threatening to make the spats from last season look like play dates…
Ripe for change in Louisville
The Louisville Orchestra has seen a bad year. They nearly filled for chapter 7 bankruptcy, but were saved during the 11th hour by a $465,000 pledge by the Home Builders Association of Louisville, contract concessions by the musicians, and fundraising efforts by the board. Since then, orchestra leadership has abandoned ship. Management is currently without an Executive Director, a Director of Development, a Director of Marketing & Public Relations, a Public Relations Manager, an Operations Manager, as well as several staff positions in the development, marketing and education departments.