Calling All Pennsylvania Arts Orgs

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Americans for the Arts, with generous support from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, opened registration for free 2-day marketing bootcamp trainings. There are even travel stipends available, what’s not to love?!? In an effort to reach more organizations across Pennsylvania and ensure access to quality, relevant marketing, and audience building training, A4A redesigned their Arts Marketing Initiative to include broader access, supported by digital engagements, to create a wider network …

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Web UX 101

Adaptistration People 028

I recently wrapped up a workshop for Americans for the Arts and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts on Website User Experience with a terrific group of participants taking part in a two-year capacity building initiative titled Arts Marketing and Audience Engagement in the 21st Century: Building the Capacity of Pennsylvania’s Cultural Sector. It was a terrific afternoon; we covered a lot of ground and worked across a variety of skill levels …

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Off To Johnstown, PA For A Workshop On User Experience

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I’m in Johnstown, PA today to lead a workshop on Website User Experience with a terrific group of participants taking part in a two-year capacity building initiative from Americans for the Arts. To be more precise, it’s the Arts Marketing and Audience Engagement in the 21st Century: Building the Capacity of Pennsylvania’s Cultural Sector. Funded by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the program is designed to support, strengthen and advance …

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