The Negotiation Process: How It Works

Adaptistration People 018

The first step in understanding how your local orchestra functions as an organization is to understand the basic principles behind the document that deals with nearly every facet of its operations: the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Every major orchestra in America, regardless of union status, has some form of a contract that exists as a result of collective bargaining. This contract governs all issues related to musician compensation, benefits, work conditions, and the dismissal process.

What To Expect In Detroit

The 8/12/2010 edition of the Detroit Free Press published an article by Mark Stryker which reports the Detroit Symphony Orchestra  musicians have scheduled two self-produced concerts in September. Stryker correctly observes that this is an ominous sign regarding the potential for both sides to reach an agreement before the current contract expires on 8/29/2010 and if they don’t reach an agreement, here is what might happen…

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An Ugly War Of Words

No, this isn’t about any of the current labor disputes. Instead, this is about an online feud between Greg Sandow and Heather Mac Donald. If you aren’t aware of what’s going on here’s the 10 second synopsis: Mac Donald wrote an article titled Classical Music’s New Golden Age (meaning now) but Sandow didn’t like what she had to say so he wrote 5,413 words (most of which were entirely unflattering) over five articles to explain why. Shortly thereafter, Mac Donald fired back with a scathing retort…

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Super Sam Vs. The Prophets Of Doom!

On 8/9/2010, Minnesota Orchestra violist and blogger Sam Bergman posed the following question: “For exactly how many decades do we plan to allow the prophets of doom [which links to Greg Sandow’s blog] to continually shout from the mountaintop that orchestras are withering on the vine before pointing out that their dire predictions have been consistently, unceasingly, 100% wrong?”…

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12th Annual Peggy Glanville Hicks Address

Established in 1999 to honor composer Peggy Glanville-Hicks, the Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address is an annual forum for ideas relating to the creation and performance of Australian music. The 12th Annual event featured a piece by conductor Simone Young titled Music in the age of soundbites and although it is a lengthy piece, it is well worth your time, especially if you are among those who have been fretting over the whole relevance related identity crisis…

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