Sure, news as of late has been filled with a good bit of nonsense from a variety of stakeholders but it’s important to remember that even though bad news sells, it isn’t necessarily representative of an entire field, even the orchestra business. To that end, it’s time to break free of tunnel vision and take in the spectrum of the good, the bad, and the ugly of stakeholders.
And after giving it some thought, it seemed like the best solution was to revisit and up the governance essays. The essays provide a breakdown of who’s who in orchestra governance and how they fit together; you get an inside look into how those who influence how orchestras function. They’ve been around for several years now and go through revisions every now and then, the latest being this week.
Updates include revised content, a boat load of new styling, and they’re all available on a single tabbed page! And to help keep some perspective, each stakeholder group gets its own Dixon cartoon from Who’s Minding The Score? And really, in light of so much ugliness right now, it’s worth remembering that it won’t hurt to laugh at ourselves every now and then.
In all seriousness, if the only time you pay attention to this business is when the news is filled with orchestra related drama, then get over to the essays so you can see how things really function.
The 11/21/15 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer published an article by Peter Dobrin that paints a dreary picture for the Philadelphia Orchestra Association's (POA)…