Welcome To Hell; My Name Is Mephistopheles And I'll Be Your Server

Using data gathered by CareerBliss.com, the 2/9/2012 edition of Forbes published an article by Jacquelyn Smith that reports the nonprofit sector is the second unhappiest field to work. But it isn’t all fire and brimstone; even though dissatisfaction levels with growth opportunities and compensation were high enough to drive Gingrich to vote Democrat, the data indicates employees found satisfaction with coworkers and day-to-day work tasks.

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Welcome To Hell; My Name Is Mephistopheles And I’ll Be Your Server

Using data gathered by CareerBliss.com, the 2/9/2012 edition of Forbes published an article by Jacquelyn Smith that reports the nonprofit sector is the second unhappiest field to work. But it isn’t all fire and brimstone; even though dissatisfaction levels with growth opportunities and compensation were high enough to drive Gingrich to vote Democrat, the data indicates employees found satisfaction with coworkers and day-to-day work tasks.

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Join The Party

Adaptistration Jobs

I’m not a big fan of mentioning something ad nauseam so I try keep cross promotion between the Adaptistration Network sites down to a minimum but Adaptistration Jobs has been a very popular site this week; and in recognition of these traffic spikes, it seems like a good time to give the site a bump here to make sure folks know about it and take advantage of what it has to offer.

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Louisville Gets A Deal(?)

Well, at the very least we know that something happened in Louisville yesterday and it involved the Louisville Orchestra Inc. (LOI), Louisville Orchestra Musicians Association (LOMA), and Louisville Metro Council President Jim King. To say the least, details are spotty and traditional news outlets are publishing contradictory reports; but here’s what you can reliably piece together so far.

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Looks Like Zurich Chamber Orchestra Is The Favorite

Monday’s review of recent orchestra television commercials produced some good reader feedback and of the three videos, the final video on the page from Zurich Chamber Orchestra (ZCO) seemed to be the clear favorite. It was my favorite as well; it was an excellent length and very creative, although I’d be curious to know more about the actual cost.

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