The 2012 Take A Friend To The Orchestra (TAFTO) program is just around the corner; although it is set to begin on Monday, 4/16/2012 the exact publication schedule is still being determined as we try to balance the need for TAFTO space next to the need for reviewing labor dispute related current events (let’s hope the latter will become a moot point). Nonetheless, 2012 promises to be another fantastic year as we’ve pared down the quantity of contributions so they fill one solid week.
Month: April 2012
Expect Ugliness To Ensue At Louisville
Following the decision to move forward with hiring replacement musicians, the Louisville Orchestra (LO) board has firmly moved the organization into unknown territory. Although there will almost certainly be a number of unexpected twists and turns, one thing you can anticipate is a marked increase in the amount of ugliness (public and private) between stakeholders and their respective supporters. At the same time, the situation raises a number of unique questions.
Ticketmaster May Not Be What Arthur C. Clarke Had In Mind
You don’t have to value culture and be a sci-fi geek to appreciate the 1:34 second video featuring a conversation from 1974 with visionary author Arthur C. Clarke; although it does make it that much more awesome. Sure, Clarke accurate predicts home computing and the internet decades before they entered mainstream society but the fascinating bit is the reference points Clarke offers while imagining how things will unfold.
Louisville Board Rejects Musician Offer
Although it comes as no real surprise, the Louisville Orchestra (LO) board of directors rejected the musicians’ latest offer on Tuesday, April 3, 2012. In response, the musicians’ media contact released a statement announcing they will conduct a press conference today at noon (CT) to discuss their now rejected proposal. There’s nothing earth shattering there but there is something of interest by way of the final two sentences from the letter issued to the musicians by LO attorney, James Smith.
Put An End To Wild West Style Branding Efforts
Recently, I put together a comprehensive style guide form for my Venture Platform users so they can have an easier time keeping track of their respective website style elements. It’s been so useful that I decided to go ahead and make a simple version that all arts organizations can use regardless of experience or understanding and better still, I wanted to make it free. For those not already familiar with what …