Last week, I published an article at ArtsHacker about what transactional emails are, how to identify all the providers you may use that generate those messages, and must-have elements to include in your message templates. Today, I published the second half of that series which focuses on how to go about making sure those messages arrive.
A large part of that equation usually involves using a dedicated transactional email provider so to that end, the article examines a half-dozen of the most common providers and how they connect with the systems your organization uses that generate transactional messages.
I know, this can all sound like a giant yawn-fest on the surface but suffice to say, transactional messaging is one of the most important elements to maximizing revenue and bolstering patron engagement you probably aren’t paying enough attention to. So liven up and level-up your managerial chops!
Pop Quiz! Transactional Email is which of the following: Purpose driven messages sent to a single recipient following an online action. The B-Side* to…