Back in February, I introduced a new version of the featured listing upgrade at Adaptistration Jobs (details) and since then, the number of employers taking advantage of that option has increased ten-fold!
The response has been so positive that I’m happy to say that I have another usability upgrade in the works in the form of an integrated payment gateway. Once everything is in place, it will reduce the payment process time for upgrade listings by more than 50 percent thanks to embedding the entire checkout process right into the site (no more linking out to PayPal to complete the transaction).
Basic listings are still free (and will stay that way indefinitely!) and for those who purchase featured listing upgrades on a regular basis, know that I’m exploring a loyalty reward function that would automatically apply discounts for regular and multi-listing buyers.
I’ll post an announcement when the new integrated payment gateway is up and running; in the meantime, head over to Adaptistration Jobs and check out the current featured and free listings.