#TBT It’s Still A Spaceship

As a practical example for yesterday’s post about marketing being more about creating a narrative about attaining what people aspire to rather than selling a product, I want to reach back to a post from November 11, 2009 that examined an iconic clip from Mad Men, Season 1, Episode 13: The Carousel. The entire scene focuses on the advertising firm convincing the client they aren’t there to help them sell a …

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Vulnerability Is The New Black

Joe Patti published a great article yesterday that serves up a good helping of grounded wisdom in the form of reviewing the fundamental difference between promotion and marketing. “…a [promotional] message of ‘come see this show’ is different from ‘this is a place that provides an opportunity to share experiences with family and friends.’ The latter is part of a [marketing] narrative about attaining what people aspire to rather than selling …

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How Realistic Are Your Budget Projections?

It’s not exactly earth shattering to say that budget projections are a squishy dark art (at best). But some of what I hear from colleagues on the earned income side of budget projections has been fascinating when it comes to the 22/23 season. While some are still embracing what I would consider a prudent approach of not having anywhere near enough data to accurately predict sales, I hear from others about …

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Automating Time Consuming Tasks

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as automation. Moving time consuming, repetitive tasks off your plate is a real treat but when it comes to anything in the digital word, good automation usually requires time to build and can be expensive. But every now and then, middleware solutions like Zapier can provide reliable automation that is comparatively easy to set up. Case in point, Zapier’s functionality has become more refined in recent …

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#TBT Counterfeit Moneyball

Since we’re on a roll this week with the idea of Moneyballing the orchestra sector, it’s worth pointing out that there’s no shortage of examples where attempts to apply data driven analysis to conventional wisdom decision making can end in tears. For example: using historic repertoire sales data for future artistic planning. Mahler Meets Moneyball? Probably Not. Now, one area I would love to see some artistic planning data mining is …

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