Off To Nashville

Adaptistration People 152a

I’m in Nashville today for the Nashville Symphony Orchestra’s (NSO) big Grand Re-Opening concert that begins tonight at 9:00pm CT and as of now, the concert is sold out so it promises to be an exciting affair. I’m touring the facilities today to get a firsthand look at the $42 million dollars in repairs and will post something on all of that next week… All in all, the NSO’s ability to …

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If nothing else, this season has been one of reflection but one of the more tiring discussions is whether or not the arts add value to society. Of course they do, but it seems that a society which enjoys a high standard of living can forget all too easily just how important the arts are beyond the realm of live performance…

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Enough With the Music Metaphors

Although the situation at the Louisville Orchestra is in stasis until the initial bankruptcy hearing on 1/6/2011, that apparently hasn’t stopped some of the local television outlets from having a field day with clichéd music metaphors when reporting on the situation. Case in point, the local Fox news outlet broadcast a segment on 12/27/2010 that was riddled with gems like “struck a sour note”…

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Detroit; In Their Own Words Part 2

On December 13 and 20, 2010, Detroit’s WRCJ 90.9 FM broadcast interviews with Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) Executive Director, Anne Parsons, and DSO musician spokesperson and cellist, Haden McKay. Program host, Chris Felcyn, set the tone by asking a single, straightforward question: “If you had a magic wand that could bring a settlement to this strike, please describe your vision of what the post-strike orchestra would look like.”

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