Guests Authors, Top Secret Files, and Mountains

I’m heading out to the Grand Teton Music Festival (web) this week and I’m pleased to announce that we have a fantastic lineup of guest bloggers on deck to fill in the gaps while I’m away. We’ve got a diverse cross section of individuals throughout the field and each one is tackling a heavy-duty topic, no puff pieces here…

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Remember Shreveport?

It has been nearly one year since we last checked in on the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra (SSO) and their work stoppage but good news is the reward for patience as both sides announced an agreement on 7/19/2010. The new two year agreement produces a 2010/11 season that tentatively begins in November. Terms include retaining the salaried core albeit at a 45 percent reduction from the previous contract…

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Join The Flood Of Support

Marc van Bree over at The Dutch Perspective started a campaign to assist the Nashville Symphony Orchestra in recovering from their flood damage in May. He’s calling it “Flood of Support” and his goal is to leverage social networking to raise $1,000 by Aug 1, 2010. You can make a donation here and read more about the project at Marc’s blog. I strongly recommend that everyone post something about all of …

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Extra Strength Crazy In Honolulu

After awhile, the repetition associated with labor disputes can get pretty boring; each side tosses the same old accusations and language back and forth and the outcomes are pretty much unsurprising. It is almost as formulaic as Hollywood’s never ending stream of buddy-cop or teenage-angst flicks. But every now and then, a group emerges to offer up something so crazy it would make the Mad Hatter whistle in awe. And just last week, the current Honolulu Symphony Orchestra (HSO) leadership tossed out an item so irrational, it left poor Mr. Hatter speechless…

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Two Google Items You Should Know About

Undoubtedly, Google products and services are a wonderful asset to any nonprofit performing arts professional. Each year, they seem to add some new app that makes us wonder how we ever got along without it. Likewise, upgrades and enhancements to current offerings make good apps even better but there are two Google related items that should be on every arts manager’s radar…

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