Anyone Interested In Helping Out With The Website Reviews?

Sometimes we’re blind to the most obvious of solutions and end up at the mercy of others for some much needed clarity. I’m certainly no exception and as it turns out, an unsolicited offer from a colleague to help with the annual website reviews couldn’t have been better timed. Moreover, it provided the virtual kick in the backside I need to officially ask for some help.

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To Compete Or Not To Compete

In the wake of the very public, lawyer filled, and at times nasty feud between Peter Nero and the Philly Pops and the Philadelphia Orchestra Association (POA), both groups ultimately arrived at a separation agreement. They will continue with joint operations through June, 2012 and beyond that, they are once again separate entities.

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Deadline Wednesday

It’s a busy week and the time to write the article I wanted to post today about non-compete clauses didn’t materialize so it will have to wait until tomorrow. But I want folks to start thinking about it before we jump in tomorrow. In particular, think about the recent Peter Neo/Philly Pop and Philadelphia Orchestra Association (POA) split.

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More Fun With Video Commercials

At the beginning of the month I published an article about a new wave of resources for putting together high quality video commercials along with an example in the form of a promotional video I put together using some of the options provided in the list of resources. Since then, dozens of arts managers have written in asking a number of great questions and it’s time for round two. Using the …

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"Board Members Are Sick And Tired Of The Musicians' Complaining" In Colorado

If you’ve been following events at the Colorado Symphony Orchestra (CSO) this past week, you’ve probably scratched your head in confusion more than once. What started off as a comparatively typical request to reopen the master agreement following news of dire financial conditions has culminated in one of the most theatrical displays from a stakeholder group we’ve seen in some time.

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