Levine Recordings: Should We, Shouldn’t We?

Adaptistration People 131

Over the weekend, a pair of EU based media outlets reported that Sirius XM’s Met Opera Radio channel has removed all recordings conducted by James Levine. While details are slim, assuming the reports are accurate, one key piece of missing information is why they were removed. Given ongoing litigation, it’s plausible the recordings could have been removed at the insistence of either The Met or Levine. If the latter, we’ll see …

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Time To Get Stable

Adaptistration People 028

I recently published installment 5/6 at ArtsHacker.com on how to combat post net neutrality slowdowns. This installment focuses on how to best handle the necessary (and increasingly challenging) task of keeping core platform, theme, and plugin code up to date. No doubt about it, open source publishing platforms (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.) are loaded with positives. At the same time, one of the growing challenges is making sure the combination of …

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#TBT Things That Make You Go Buh?!? Higher Education

Adaptistration People 149

Just when you think higher education can’t get any screwier than it already is, someone comes along with a hold my beer moment. Case in point, this article by Nell Gluckman in the 4/24/18 edition of chronicle.com that examines an effort by the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale to recruit unpaid adjunct faculty. Of course, they didn’t call it unpaid. Why do that when there’s perfectly good jargon to unbox (emphasis …

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Here’s Something I Wish Every Arts Org Conference Had

Adaptistration People 096

Inside my file of crazy ideas that will never happen is a page that reads simply “every nonprofit performing arts manager spend one year attending conferences other than those run by the usual service org suspects.” While there’s no such thing as a perfect conference, there are no shortage of methods and attitudes that are commonplace elsewhere but for a number of reasons, are borderline heresy at usual suspect conferences. Case …

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We Are The Very Model Of A Modern Major Orchestra

Adaptistration People 214

There’s an article by Mark MacNamara in the 4/17/18 edition of the San Francisco Classical Voice that casts a retrospective eye toward one of the first new model orchestras, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. In addition to Orpheus, the article examines a few of the other ensembles that have attempted to walk a similar path. If you’ve been in the field long enough, you’ve seen groups come and go and others twist …

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