A Quick Follow-Up On The Chicago Symphony Settlement And Substitute Parity

Adaptistration People 120

One item that remains unclear in the new Chicago Symphony Orchestra agreement is whether the new fiver-year contract modified any of the terms related to substitute musician compensation. I’ve been communicating with both the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) and the musicians and so far, have received mildly differing accounts. According to CSOA Communications and Public Relations Officer, Eileen Chambers “per the terms of the new agreement, temporary or substitute musicians will …

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Here Are The Chicago Symphony Settlement Details You’re Looking For

Adaptistration People 138

On Saturday, 4/27/2019 the board of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) and the CSO musicians ratified a new five-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The deal was reached shortly after outgoing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel became directly involved. Let’s take a close look at the new terms to see what each stakeholder managed to secure. Pension In a nutshell: the employer scored a big win on this term while the musicians …

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Give ‘Em What They Really Want: How To Create An Effective Artist Press Kit

Recently, my company updated my wife’s professional artist website: HollyMulcahy.com. A large part of that project was updating all her press kit information. Previously, all the typical press kit content, such as bios and pics, was available via direct download from her site. But times have changed and there are better ways to go about making that content available. Ultimately, the goal is to make things as easy as possible for …

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Off To Chattanooga For The Rose Of Sonora World Premiere

I’m in Chattanooga today for the world premiere of The Rose of Sonora, a violin concerto in five scenes. Written by composer George S. Clinton, I published an in-depth profile of the work back in March about how he and the concerto’s soloist, Holly Mulcahy, brought the concerto to life. If you’re in the Chattanooga area, you absolutely want to make it here for the concert. Tickets are going fast but …

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The Pitfalls Of Hyperbole During Contentious Work Stoppages

The longer work stoppages continue, the hotter passions run. It’s a truism that not even the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) strike is exempt. As the CSO work stoppage approaches its second month, tempers are burning hotter than ever. When that happens, it isn’t uncommon to see stakeholders speak first, think later. To that end, one of the primary reasons I migrated this blog’s commenting system to a platform that requires a …

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