Time To Adjudicate Some Content

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A few weeks ago, I pointed out a content competition the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) was holding for arts administration researchers, instructors, and practitioners. Now that the submission deadline has passed, I’m happy to be able to say I’ll be participating as one of the competition’s three adjudicators. AAAE’s Official Judges’ Panel  

Virtues And Vice Of Executives From “Other” Fields

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Joe Goetz published an intriguing piece at Scanning The Dial on 3/29/2017 that examines a bit of a dust-up over the recent WQXR General Manager appointment, an administrator who was most recently a MTV content executive. You can probably see the disconnect; for some, an executive from the commercial entertainment field running a public radio station is sacrilege while for others it’s deliverance. The real irony here is preconceived notions at …

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When Was The Last Time You Updated Your Website Policy?

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Rules and regulations surrounding internet use are anything but consistent. Take website policies for example. Does your organization have the exact same polices in place now you crafted three years ago? If so, you’re going to want to update those because they are so very out of date. Privacy regulations alone are continuously fluctuating. Case in point, the Republican controlled congress is set to repeal a slew of online privacy protections. …

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Counting The Costs Q&A

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Last week’s mega-article examining how much orchestra string musicians spend to equip, maintain, and repair their instruments over the course of their career generated a tremendous amount of reader feedback/questions across social media and email. Throughout those discussions, a few items popped up more than others and I wanted to take today’s post to cover those. Do the figures include purchasing the instrument and bow? No. In addition to the exclusions …

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The Latest Instance Of Peer Review Problems

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The 3/22/2017 edition of the Indianapolis Business Journal published an article by Lindsey Erdody that reports on an Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) musician is accusing music director, Krzysztof Urbansk, of age discrimination. What’s interesting to note is Erdody’s examination of the internal process used by the music director and general manager, which reportedly contributed to current problems. Unfortunately, difficulties related to age discrimination and failing to follow a contractually mandated artistic …

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