According to all reports, the Philadelphia Orchestra Association (POA) and their musicians have reached a tentative agreement, forged under the guidelines set forth by bankruptcy judge Eric L. Frank. Details of the agreement are unknown but inside sources say the musicians may have received a copy of the details and have had a rank and file meeting as recent as Sunday evening that meeting has reportedly been rescheduled for Monday evening.
Month: October 2011
Success Stories And Denver
There are two topics for today’s post; the first is a pointer to the second of my two blog posts the 2011 National Arts Marketing Project blog salon. This one, titled Success Stories, focuses on the bear traps arts orgs should avoid in the form of relying too much on vendor provided statistics.
Harassment? Really?
It was easy to miss and if you did, you should take a moment to check out the 10/4/2011 blog post from Peter Dobrin which reports on the ongoing court battle between the Philadelphia Orchestra Association (POA) and the American Federation of Musicians’ (AFM) national pension fund. If you haven’t been following that dispute, here’s a quick overview.
How Low Can They Go In Louisville
Not that it should come as any surprise but the labor dispute between the Louisville Orchestra (LO) and its musicians sunk to a new all-time low following the facilitated labor agreement negotiations. Here’s what transpired over the past few days.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
I’m honored to have been asked to contribute a few posts to the 2011 National Arts Marketing Project blog salon. My initial contribution went up yesterday and focuses on the responsibility of technology providers overselling the merits of what a product can accomplish. The idea came to me after receiving a text message from a colleague that read “…always fun to watch as people realize [Technology-X] doesn’t cause gumdrops and lollipops to fall from the sky…”