A Conversation About Orchestra Musicians, PR, And Change


There was a terrific comment from a long time reader, Robert Simonds, the other day in response to the post about the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Musician website and communication initiatives. Always the deep thinker, Simonds presents some intriguing points that I took some time to address in a reply (albeit belatedly). It’s a great exchange to launch your weekend and for the sake of convenience, I’ve pasted both replies here although …

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More Pushback Against A Surprise Shutdown Announcement


In early May, 2014 the Green Bay Symphony Orchestra (GBSO) board of directors announced their decision to shut down the institution after the 2014/15 season. The board has held firm to that decision in the wake of patron support efforts to convince them otherwise but now some of the GBSO musicians are publicly resisting the effort. The 5/27/2014 edition of the Green Bay Press-Gazette published an article by Paul Srubas that …

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Get Off The Plane You No-Goodnik Fiddle Ruffians*


The internet was alive with outrage since the trio Time for Three posted a video on YouTube protesting their treatment at the hands of a US Airlines regional carrier. Apparently, two of the three members were traveling from Charlotte, NC to Fayetteville, AK when the aircraft’s captain allegedly told the two violinists that FAA regulations “prohibited musical instruments to be carried on the plane.” As it turns out, that’s just about …

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Catching A Clue About Registered User Experience From The Airline Industry

A few years ago, one of the last resources you would ever want to use when designing your organization’s online user experience (UX) was the airline industry; but my, how times have changed. Granted, the actual flying experience unilaterally sucks but at least the online portion has improved. Let’s take a closer look to see what happened. A few precursors before we forge ahead; much of what we’re going to examine …

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Happy Memorial Day!

Whether you’re home all day enjoying the holiday with family and friends or your orchestra is putting on a performance today, try to take a few moments to remember the reason for the holiday. Furthermore, take a moment to remember that the single largest employer of full-time professional musicians is the United States Armed Forces… [ilink url=”http://www.usafband.af.mil/” style=”tick”]The United States Air Force Band[/ilink] [ilink url=”http://www.army.mil/armyband/” style=”tick”]The United States Army Band[/ilink] [ilink …

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