All Sorts Of #TestFail Going On For The “How Much Do You Know About Musicians” Quiz

Adaptistration People 011

Last week, I published a fun little quiz to see how much readers really knew about musician wages, benefits, and working conditions. On the positive side of things, participation was fantastic thanks to nearly 500 readers completing all twelve questions. On the other side of that coin were the results: readers either aced it or bought the farm with absolutely nothing between those extreme grades. [chart id=”8″] As one reader justifiably …

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How Would You Describe Your Venue Relationship?

Adaptistration People 086

When it comes to a primary venue, most orchestras operate in one of three environments, each with their own unique sets of pros and cons: Owner/Operator: Pros include complete control over scheduling and programming, in-house administrative offices, and maximizing earned income from rental fees, box-office services, concessions, etc. Cons include the large costs related with initial building costs along with legacy operational and maintenance costs for operating a brick and mortar …

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It’s Time To See How Much You Really Know About Musicians

Adaptistration People 150

A discussion thread from the 2/22/16 article about musician paid vacation time got me thinking about how much those inside (and out) of the field really know about the business. Although information and transparency is somewhat better now than it was 15 years ago, most stakeholders still tend to know a lot about the terms of their own institution’s collective bargaining agreement, but not very much about how it stacks up …

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Take A Friend To The Orchestra Survey Results And A 14 Year Anniversary

Adaptistration People 115

First off, a thousand thanks to everyone who took the time to vote on whether or not the Take A Friend To The Orchestra initiative should return in 2016. There were just over 500 votes cast and although the overwhelming majority of those favored the return, the cumulative number still fell short of the 1,000 minimum votes needed. At the same time, we’ll revisit this again for another vote, but this …

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Who Doesn’t Love Free Upgrades?

Adaptistration People 114

I’m very happy to announce that beginning this week, Adaptistration Job’s reach is getting a bit bigger thanks to including the most recent listings in not just Adaptistration’s weekly email summary but the weekly email summary’s for Inside The Arts and ArtsHacker! This increases the site’s reach by more than 35 percent all without passing along any cost to employers posting their openings.